Skiing & Snowboarding Alaska
Photo Credit: ATIA, Matt Hage

Skiing & Snowboarding

Skiing & Snowboarding

Alaska visitors love to explore the state's wondrous winter landscapes under their own power, and there are many opportunities to do so across the state.

Downhill Skiing & Snowboarding

Juneau’s Eaglecrest Ski Area and Girdwood’s Alyeska Resort are the main downhill recreation areas for ski-resort-based alpine skiing and snowboarding. Locals find plenty of opportunity for lift-serviced skiing in Anchorage at Hilltop Ski Area and Arctic Valley, the newly opened Skeetawk in Hatcher Pass, and in Fairbanks at Mount Aurora/Skiland and Moose Mountain. Those that prefer the backcountry enjoy terrain at Thompson Pass near ValdezHatcher Pass near Palmer, and the Kenai Peninsula’s Turnagain Pass.

Downhill skiing at Alyeska Resort in Girdood
Downhill skiing at Alyeksa Resort in Girdwood

Cross Country Skiing

Cross country and backcountry skiing is easily accessible in just about every Alaska community, whether it is on groomed trails or trackless mountainsides. Anchorage’s Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, part of which is in Kincaid Park, is a popular place to start, with groomed trails and maintained tracks. Also in Anchorage are Russian Jack Springs Park and the Hillside Trail System.

Cross country skiers in Fairbanks can enjoy Birch Hill Recreation Area and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Trail System. Eaglecrest Ski Area is also the right place to find groomed Nordic trails for both cross-country and skate skiing in Juneau. The Kenai Peninsula, Hatcher Pass in the Mat-Su Valley, and many other areas offer groomed trails and peaceful winter landscapes for cross country skiing. Rentals are available in many communities, so make a great workout part of your Alaska winter vacation!

Cross Country skiing in Juneau
Cross country skiing in Juneau; Photo Credit: Travel Alaska, Mark Kelley


In Alaska, you don’t need to be an expert skier or snowboarder in order to heli-ski. The season runs from late winter to spring, February through April — a time with prime snow conditions, increased daylight hours, and safest flying conditions. The most popular areas for heli-skiing in Alaska include the Prince William Sound communities of Valdez and Cordova as well as Girdwood in Southcentral Alaska and the Inside Passage communities of Haines and Juneau.

Backcountry skiing in Hatcher Pass area in Alaska


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